General information about the workshop

General information about the workshop

by Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung -
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This is the online lecture room for the workshop
“Is there still room for emancipatory adult learning and education? Discussing a promising idea facing several challenges”
taking place on the
28th of October 2020.
The workshop will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Paula Guimarães (Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal/DAAD Guest Professor at University of Würzburg, Germany) and will explore social emancipation as a relevant idea for adult education.

In the first half of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Licínio C. Lima (University of Minho, Portugal) will highlight Paulo Freire’s approach towards social emancipation in education alongside with Prof. Dr. Danny Wildemeersch (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium), who will talk about Jacques Rancière’s contributions regarding the topic.

In the second half of the workshop Prof. Dr. Marcella Milana (University of Verona, Italy) will talk about emancipation and engagement of the subjects of adult education and lifelong learning followed by Dr. Stefanie Kröner (University of Würzburg) that will give insights into the field of adult education in India.

We would like to invite you to debate emancipation as a concept in adult education in its different forms, as well as to critically discus problems of emancipation in present times within adult learning and education policies and social action projects implemented in different settings and contexts.
Besides, the aim of this workshop is to critically interpret the loss of pertinence of social emancipation and the growing importance of individual emancipation and empowerment within the development of adult learning and education policies, programs and activities.

Due to the current circumstances regarding the Corona - pandemic, the workshop will be taking place online via Zoom.
After confirming your participation, the link to the Zoom - meeting will be sent to you via email a few days in advance.