
    • Introduction to European policies in adult and lifelong learning (Part 1)

      Video, English
      SCHMIDT-LAUFF, S.; SCHILLER. J. (2019): Introduction to European policies in adult and lifelong learning (Part 1). Würzburg. URL: https://www.hsu-hh.de/wb/wp-content/uploads/sites/647/2018/08/OT-HH-Part-1-of-2-1.mp4

      Introduction to European policies in adult and lifelong learning (Part 2)

      Video, English
      SCHMIDT-LAUFF, S. (2019): Introduction to European policies in adult and lifelong learning (Part 2). Würzburg. URL: https://www.hsu-hh.de/wb/wp-content/uploads/sites/647/2018/08/OT-HH-Part-1-of-2-1.mp4

    • Introduction to multilevel analysis

      Video, English

      GUIMARAES, P. (2019): Introduction to multilevel analysis.Würzburg.
      URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq0ZxJjqKnQ&list=PLs0ztMaFvMAaNQxIK785UjLCkhDLqDHir&index=4&t=0s

    • Introduction to three theoretical models (Part 1)

      Video, English

      GUIMARAES, P.; DOUTOR, C. (2019): Introduction to three theoretial models (Part 1). Würzburg. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZYWKNR59TQ&index=6&list=PLs0ztMaFvMAaNQxIK785UjLCkhDLqDHir&t=0s

      Introduction to three theoretical models (Part 2)

      Video, English

      GUIMARAES, P. (2019): Introduction to three theoretial models (Part 2). Würzburg. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ayysRacG5A&list=PLs0ztMaFvMAaNQxIK785UjLCkhDLqDHir&index=6

    • Public Lecture Prof. Paula Guimarães, University of Lisbon, Portugal

      Video, English

      GUIMARÃES, P. (2020): Managing human resources: a critical review on the European Union guidelines
      and the development of adult education policy in Portugal in the last two decades. Würzburg. URL: 


    • moderated by Balázs Németh | Revisiting the European Grundtvig Programme to discover its Roles and Impacts on Adult Learning and Education (2000-2013)

      Please click on the title above to find the videos of the Workshop.

    •     Internationale Perspektiven in der Erwachsenenbildung: zwischen Marginalität und Exzellenz?

      Video, German

      Egetenmeyer, R. (2021) Internationale Perspektiven in der Erwachsenenbildung: zwischen Marginalität und Exzellenz? Würzburg. URL:
