Video/Plattform, English
INTALL (2019): Successful learning pathways in comparison without mobility. URL: https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/intall/intallhome/
Videos/Learning Plattform
COMPALL-Projekt (2018): Online-Tutorial zum Thema „International and Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Würzburg. URL: https://www.hw.uni-wuerzburg.de/compall/winter-schools/online-tutorial/
"At the simplest level, Mahara is two things: an ePortfolio and a social networking system combined. An ePortfolio is a system in which students can record ‚evidence of lifelong learning‘ – such as essays, artwork or other such things they produce that can be stored digitally. Such things are known as artefacts in Mahara. Social networking systems give a way for people to interact with their friends and create their own online communities" (MAHARA (2020): mahara manual. URL: https://manual.mahara.org/de/20.04/intro/introduction.html).
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Navigationsleiste - Forschung Digital: Research icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lecture: Video icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
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