Topic outline
Welcome to the SOPHEA Planetary Health Education Toolbox!
Planetary Health focuses on the connections between the planetary crises (climate, biodiversity, pollution) and health with the aim to foster transformative action for planetary health to create a safe and just space for current and future live on this planet.
Planetary Health Education (PHE) has been rapidly expanding across the globe with various courses, lectures, webinars, and academic initiatives emerging.
The SOPHEA project (Strengthening One and Planetary Health in Eastern Africa) strives to support Planetary Health Education (PHE), research and community engagement. It is a collaboration between the University of Würzburg (Germany), Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza (Tanzania), and University of Eldoret (Kenia) with many additional partners and collaborators.
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Animal health is a critical component of a healthy planet. It is important to emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental well-being with species-appropriate husbandry and animal welfare playing a vital role of the healthy and happy animal. Healthy animals contribute to ecological balance, biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture, which are essential for a stable and resilient planet. However, the rise of zoonotic diseases, influenced by environmental degradation and climate change, highlights the urgent need for integrated health approaches. By promoting animal health through practices like sustainable farming, habitat conservation, and disease surveillance, we can mitigate risks to human health and ensure the longevity of ecosystems. This holistic perspective aligns with planetary health goals, fostering a healthier, more sustainable future for all species.
Learning objectives:
Learners will be able to describe animal health and understand its importance in relation to a healthy planet.
- Learners will be able to illustrate the relationship between human health and animal health and its impact on the earth's ecosystem.
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