Topic outline
Welcome to the SOPHEA Planetary Health Education Toolbox!
Planetary Health focuses on the connections between the planetary crises (climate, biodiversity, pollution) and health with the aim to foster transformative action for planetary health to create a safe and just space for current and future live on this planet.
Planetary Health Education (PHE) has been rapidly expanding across the globe with various courses, lectures, webinars, and academic initiatives emerging.
The SOPHEA project (Strengthening One and Planetary Health in Eastern Africa) strives to support Planetary Health Education (PHE), research and community engagement. It is a collaboration between the University of Würzburg (Germany), Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza (Tanzania), and University of Eldoret (Kenia) with many additional partners and collaborators.
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“Climate change is happening now and to all of us. No country or community is immune,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “And, as is always the case, the poor and vulnerable are the first to suffer and the worst hit.”
It's a fact that certain groups are more vulnerable than others to the health impacts of climate change due to social and economic factors like income, education, health care access, and housing. Low and middle income countries in particular face multiple disadvantages in terms of climate adaptation. but there are also structural inequalities that mean that people in the same country are affected unequally by climate change. These include BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color), women, people with disabilities and the elderly. This category will look at different components of climate justice, which groups are being left behind and what steps and measures are needed to achieve health equity for everyone.
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