Topic outline
Welcome to the SOPHEA Planetary Health Education Toolbox!
Planetary Health focuses on the connections between the planetary crises (climate, biodiversity, pollution) and health with the aim to foster transformative action for planetary health to create a safe and just space for current and future live on this planet.
Planetary Health Education (PHE) has been rapidly expanding across the globe with various courses, lectures, webinars, and academic initiatives emerging.
The SOPHEA project (Strengthening One and Planetary Health in Eastern Africa) strives to support Planetary Health Education (PHE), research and community engagement. It is a collaboration between the University of Würzburg (Germany), Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza (Tanzania), and University of Eldoret (Kenia) with many additional partners and collaborators.
-to access the content click on the headline above-
Planetary health is a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analyzing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on Earth.” The impact of human activities on the planetary enivornment requires a concept of health that takes into account changing global conditions and their significance for prevention, disease, therapy and epidemiology within the framework of interdisciplinary approaches. Based on the definition by the Planetary Health Alliance this toolbox category provides an overview and introduction to the concept of Planetary Health touching on the historical background and relevant scientific aspects (e.g. anthropocene, planetary boundaries, tipping points, implications to health and well-being, co-benefits, vulnerable groups, climate justice, ethical considerations, Loss and Damage, etc.).
This category serves as the foundation for the other toolbox categories and is essential for the learning experience through the toolbox as a whole.
Learning objectives:
Learners will be able to describe the basic concept of Planetary Health.
Learners will be able to explain the interrelation of environmental changes and their effects on human health and well-being.
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