Topic outline
Welcome to the SOPHEA Planetary Health Education Toolbox!
Planetary Health focuses on the connections between the planetary crises (climate, biodiversity, pollution) and health with the aim to foster transformative action for planetary health to create a safe and just space for current and future live on this planet.
Planetary Health Education (PHE) has been rapidly expanding across the globe with various courses, lectures, webinars, and academic initiatives emerging.
The SOPHEA project (Strengthening One and Planetary Health in Eastern Africa) strives to support Planetary Health Education (PHE), research and community engagement. It is a collaboration between the University of Würzburg (Germany), Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza (Tanzania), and University of Eldoret (Kenia) with many additional partners and collaborators.
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Our world is made of complex networks of living things and physical elements that constantly interact and affect each other. Such networks are known as “ecosystems”. Healthy and economically important ecosystems such as temperate forests, wetlands, grasslands, coastal zones, coral reefs, and rainforests all play roles in human life. Biodiversity underpins all life on Earth, and refers to biological variety in all its forms, from the genetic makeup of plants and animals to cultural diversity.
People depend on biodiversity and ecosystems in their daily lives, in ways that are not always apparent. Human health ultimately depends upon ecosystem products and services (such as availability of freshwater, food and fuel sources) which are requisites for good human health and productive livelihoods. Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause or exacerbate political conflict.
This category comprises various materials on ecosystems and biodiversity and their interconnectedness to health. While environmental degradation has negative consequences for human well-being, nature based solutions can contribute to mitigative and adaptive interventions in the fight against the planetary crisis.
Learning objectives:
Learners will be able to describe the negative consequences of environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity on human health and well-being.
- Learners will be able to illustrate nature-based solutions and their potential value as mitigative and adaptive interventions.
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