Section outline
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Antropocenic lifestyles mainly based on overconsumption, burning of fossil fuels and environmental degradation are making us ill and are destroying the planet. But people can only be healthy and strive on a healthy planet. To manage the massive implications and challenges related to the planetary crisis an urgent civilizational transformation is needed for planetary health through deep, broad, and rapid society‐wide changes on the road to the 1.5°C limit of the Paris Agreement.
Under this category users can find materials elaborating on the concept of socio-economical transformation within the planetary boundaries towards a sustainable future and find examples for transformative action applicable to the African context. The objective of this category is to demonstrate the “Action challenge” as it contracts with “the knowledge gap” using examples of transformative approaches within the region.
Learning objectives:
Learners will be able to outline characteristics of Planetary Health Education as a critical social tipping element.
Learners will be able to discuss the socio-economic changes required for a healthy future on a healthy planet by choosing examples from the East African region.
Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung - openWueCampus | Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit | Bildnachweise
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