Topic outline
Welcome to the SOPHEA Planetary Health Education Toolbox!
Planetary Health focuses on the connections between the planetary crises (climate, biodiversity, pollution) and health with the aim to foster transformative action for planetary health to create a safe and just space for current and future live on this planet.
Planetary Health Education (PHE) has been rapidly expanding across the globe with various courses, lectures, webinars, and academic initiatives emerging.
The SOPHEA project (Strengthening One and Planetary Health in Eastern Africa) strives to support Planetary Health Education (PHE), research and community engagement. It is a collaboration between the University of Würzburg (Germany), Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza (Tanzania), and University of Eldoret (Kenia) with many additional partners and collaborators.
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Education and research are key drivers for transformation. Educational institutions have a unique role to play in shaping our futures and developing professional competencies to support this future. Embedding planetary health education in curricula is an essential step to achieving the transformative change needed to respond to the planetary crisis and equip learners to protect and restore planetary health and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Based on the PHE Framework and its 12 cross-cutting principles of planetary health education this category provides students and teachers with background material on e.g. PHE, Education for Sustainable Development, Transformative Education, but also practical guidelines and frameworks when developing and realizing educational activities, e.g. How to build your own planetary health course, a blueprint for a week seminar, etc.).
The goal of this section is to provide you with guidance and examples of how educators at institutions around the world have designed their courses, so that you are able to develop a rich and rigorous course for your own context.
Learning objectives:
Learners will be able to describe the fundamental principles of Planetary Health Education.
Learners will be able to choose and apply relevant tools to design their own Planetary Health Course.
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